As the CIPO Cloud platform expands throughout, one of the main issues we’re running into with our clients is multiple data sources feeding information into multiple reporting platforms. This causes confusion about what is the real source and what information should be trusted.

Agencies indeed operate very differently from each other. Some have taken a bold step into technology. They’ve embraced new forms of tech to improve their work processes and have gained efficiencies in the process. The Pandemic forced Agencies, small and large, to adopt the work-from-home approach for safety. Some quickly realized that their branch divisions or departments gained productivity and improved overall management of their projects and programs through these technologies. However, others still struggle with Excel spreadsheets and multiple data silos that cause misinterpretation of information in their reporting systems.

Of course, CIPO is here to help with all of these issues, but let us first tackle why it’s essential to have a centralized data management system, like CIPO. There are many advantages to centralizing your data, but we will hit five deciding benefits for you to consider.

Data Consistency: A centralized management system provides a steady distribution of truthful data throughout your stakeholders. Systems like CIPO are workflow-driven and can distribute information as needed to the appropriate people, based on particular actions throughout a document’s life.

Operational Efficiencies: By collecting and managing your data from one location, the remaining resources that were once tasked with managing all the different data silos can now be switched to other activities. CIPO eliminates multiple outputs and data processing which typically reduces the potential for errors in data management.  

Security of your Information:  Centralizing your systems dramatically reduces the exposure footprint of your information. Having a secure, centralized system is of tantamount importance. CIPO Cloud Software is SOC 2 Type 2 certified. SOC stands for “system and organization controls.” The controls are a series of standards designed to measure how well a given service organization conducts and regulates its information. Having a platform that manages your data and adheres to these standards is a critical step in ensuring your data is secure.

Reduced Costs: Reducing the number of systems your agency uses allows you to eliminate monthly or yearly service, training, or maintenance fees, thus cutting overall management and IT costs. We’ve built CIPO with many options that help our clients simplify their IT footprint. One example is our Virtual DWG module that allows marking up and annotating drawings directly in CIPO, so there is no need for a third-party application.

Data Integrity: This is probably the most significant benefit to centralizing your data systems. When data is replicated, there are multiple versions of information being digested by numerous people. Trying to wrangle this data securely becomes a considerable challenge. CIPO utilizes the latest Microsoft Azure platform to ensure data is protected, up to date, truthful, and accessible by anyone with the proper permissions.

We understand a lot of this can come off as “tech talk.” The best way to understand and break these improvements down into layman’s terms is to ask us for a demo. We will quickly walk you through how CIPO can make massive improvements to your Capital Program in just a short time.